About us: Investors
Since 2013, Bpifrance has become the one stop shop for entrepreneurs with a vastly comprehensive toolbox offered in the field to customers through 50 local branches. Our mission is simple: we believe in serving the future, by being entrepreneur-centric and heavily decentralized.
For 50 years, UI Investissement (more than €1,5md under management) has been investing in unlisted French start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps to provide them with financial support and operational expertise enabling them to accelerate their development and improve the prospects and future of their ecosytems.
Depuis 2003, GO CAPITAL investit dans l’innovation et accompagne des projets responsables et ambitieux, renforce l’attractivité des territoires et soutient la création d’emplois de proximité. La société de gestion s’est positionnée en tant que leader de l’investissement technologique du Grand Ouest en capital amorçage et capital risque.
Since 2003, GO CAPITAL has been investing in innovation and supporting responsible and ambitious projects, reinforcing the attractiveness of territories and supporting the creation of local jobs. The management company has positioned itself as a leader in technology investment in the West of France in seed and growth equity.